Thursday, May 15, 2008

An Alarm, and a Concert

Well.  This morning, I had quite the adventure.  My sister and Mom are going to Florida, so I was left alone in the house while everyone else went to take them to the airport.  So there I was, reading my Bible, when I suddenly hear a shrill beeping noise.  So I think, "What on earth is that beeping noise?"  Then, being the clever, debonair, safety-minded person that I am, it suddenly comes to me.  "Oh my word, that's the carbon monoxide warning."  So, I leap up, grab the phone, grab the dog and dash outside.  I called my dad and told him what happened.  Then, he figures out it was his pagers, calling him simultaneously.  I hate pagers.  I mean loathe.  So after my heart rate dropped again, I went back inside.  Then, I gave my first ever bagpipe concert!  Granted, the birds were inattentive and chattered the whole time, and the dogs barked like crazy, but it was still a concert, given from my back porch.  Of course, I did the whole thing in earplugs, but when it was done, I wondered what it sounded like without the earplugs.  I quickly understood why earplugs are advised.  My word, it echoed!  The whole forest seemed to ring with wild skirling of the bagpipe, bellowing out the pibroch of war!  O.K., there's my sentence that sounds like it came from a book.  Which it did.  My book.  I bet you didn't know there are bagpipes in Middle-Earth.  It's true though!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice. I think it's time u learn the difference between a carbon monoxide detector or whatever and a pager:) Next time u hear it, it wwill be the real thing and you'll just figure it's the pager:) How do u know there r bagpipes in middle-earth? Did u make that up?