Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Band

The Pipe band I'm associated with is the Minnesota Police Pipe Band, or the MPPB.  This is a police band, but, no, you don't have to be a police officer to join.  I think we have one police officer in our band of thirty some people.  Our uniform is:  Long white foofy socks.  (They have a Scottish name, but I haven't the foggiest idea what it is.)  Ghillie Brogues.  These are the shoes we wear.  A kilt.  A white shirt, and over that a vest, and over that a suit top.  Finally, if the weather is rainy (like today) we wear an Inverness Cape.  We also wear a sporran the "purse" as some derogatory people call it.  If you want to visit their site, it's   Don't go put a .com at the end of that.  That's some bizarre site, that has nothing to do with bagpipes.  Also, ignore the MO at the bottom.  That's the Member's Only part.  I could tell you, but then I'd have to blow your eardrums out with my pipes.

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