Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Whole Nine Yards!

Well, here we go.  This is my first blog post!  I guess I should explain my title.  The Whole Nine Yards is an expression we use to mean "all of it".  However, it originally came from Scotland, where kilts were nine yards long.  To ask to be given the whole nine yards on a kilt meant you were not to be shortchanged on anything, that you want the kilt, the whole kilt and nothing but the kilt.  So help me God.  To the Scottish illiterate, the kilt is the "skirt" they wear.  (I actually find that term highly offensive.)  No, it is not the past tense of kill.  In this blog, I'll post on just about anything, from war to bagpipes, from writing my book (ooh, you weren't supposed to see that one) to jokes and clever satire.  Or something like that.  Anyway, enjoy the whole nine yards, where you won't get shortchanged on kilts.  Ever.  Mostly because I don't sell kilts.


Daniel said...

Wow, I never knew that. That is uh... interesting. So when (if) you go to Scotland will you wear a kilt? ;)


Crazy mom said...
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Evandes said...

Of course. Actually, I probably will wear one long before I go to Scotland. Pretty much as soon as I get in the Pipe Band.


dorothy said...

Now with another Johnmson blog to read I will be spending far too much time on the computer. Only joking. I enjoy all of the blogs. Grandma

A mom of many said...

Neat blog!My boys will love the sword like.Good job!Tina Frye

Evandes said...

Thanks, Grandma! Thanks Mrs. Frye!

Agarwaen said...

Cool blog. Dude, I didn't know that the whole nine yards thing came from Scotland, I thought it was from football or something! You should post CoN on here when it's all finished(and edited..cough...cough).

Anonymous said...

EVAN!!!! I'm so happy you're blogging -- I have laughed reading some of your posts -- you have a GREAT sense of humor, just like your mom! :) Casey thinks your blog is cool too! He hasn't gotten into blogging -- he's too old! :) hahahaha